Hot Dog Party
"Do you want a cracker?" I said as we sat in the truck waiting.
"No," said my now two year old son.
"Do you want some water?" I said.
"No," he chirped back.
I tried again, "Do you want your truck?"
"No!" he said again getting a little annoyed. My distraction technique was majorly striking out as I attempted to deter him from wanting to get out of his car seat. I needed to come up with something clever. So I said,
"Do you want a hot dog party!?"
"Yeah!" he answered enthusiastically. Score! I had gotten him to answer back in a positive way and in my amusement I couldn't help but laugh. However, now I had to deliver somehow. Then I remembered Nana and Grandpa were watching him that night so I told him he could have a hot dog party with them. Thanks for bringing the hot dogs Mom and Pops!
"Hot dog party" comes from the book, Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! by, Mo Williams. Talk about a fun book to read for caregivers. It's especially relatable for those who feel they experience World War III at bed time. This book will likely bring some much needed humor to your bedtime routine. It may also give you some fun references to bring up to your child throughout the day for a good laugh :-D
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